IRC log started Sun Dec 19 00:00:01 1999 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 1999.1219 -:- SignOff tmf: #TUNES (Read error to tmf[]: No route to host) -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes * zarq/#tunes is back from being away: trug ack.. optimization is not an exact science 05:00am :) 05:10am then again it would be boring if things were simple 05:50am fufie; i just love optimizing :) what is it you're working on? the implementation for my thesis, a hypermedia-system.. trying to optimize db-access 06:00am and eventually let the system be able to figure out how to optimize db-use itself hehe good luck =P I am giving the system a couple of alternative ways of handling this stuff and Common Lisp has a timer which allows it to measure time for operation and memory allocation which the system may use to measure this itself and given preferences choose the right way to access the db(s) but I still need to come up with good alternatives and optimise them 06:10am -:- tmf [tmf@] has joined #tunes ho ho ! hei hei tmf: are you santa? 07:30am tmf is an imposter. real santa(Copyright Coca-Cola Company) is from finland -:- core [] has joined #tunes people hi tiens, un core! fare, t'es dans le secteur? ah tiens :) tiens, un fare! non, mais je fais bien semblant. ce que l'IA fait de nos jours.. :) dis, tu peux relancer une update de j'ai mis a jour l'OS review Le vrai Faré est censé aller faire des courses de Noël pour toute la (grande) famille. ah, donc je parle a son avatar.. enfin, tant qu'il peut lancer une update.. :) SYNTAX ERROR LINE 20 microsoft basic? aie :) non, Applesoft BASIC sous DOS 3.3 (Apple ][) kwa29? ahh.. :) toujours la moitie de 18 :) ACK. ]_ 07:40am cefei et merchi :) et clem? Au fait, si tu as des propositions de features pour le langage/machine virtuelle que je dois développer, envoie ça sur la liste ca avance.. serveur web et heretic qui marchent comme je t'ai dit :) j'ai mis en place un moniteur v86 (depuis le temps que tu me demandes si y'en a un.. :) hey core! ltns d'accord.. ben la grosse feature c'est de pouvoir ecrire du code sous forme de composants sans que ca soit non-naturel :) hey smoke, no shit :) how are you? core; personal life is fine, but i'm in html hell atm; working on a new forum for core; and how're you and your projects? smoke: personal life is most important :) did you sort out the issue with the guy that 'repackaged' your tracker? :) did someone do that? * smoke/#tunes can't recall smoke: i'm very fine, thank you. personal life is also great, couldn't be better than lately :) projects.. well, i'm not doing all that much for ggi at the moment, not enough time.. clementine is going very well, as i was telling fare, it can run a web server and heretic now :) smoke: yeah, re-released a tracker that was mostly based on your code :) (but forgot to mention that ;) i'm probably another `smoke' then :)) hm, you didn't write that soundtracker thing? (not the original amiga one, that'd be karsten obarski, but the linuxish one :) ah :) i didn't o-kay allrighty then :) i thought it was you :) nevermind then ;) i did a pixel painting program core: la question est justement: quels sont les idiomes/patterns/foo qui t'aideraient? core: and if anyone would base a program on that pixeler i'd be honoured :) yeah, you sent it to me :) i know who you are, i just thought you did that tracker as well :) cote perf, on aura Ian Piumarta de not' coté, alors pas trop de soucis. core; great to hear clementine's doing fine btw fare: deja qu'il y ait un moyen facile pour un truc exterieur de s'inserer dans les echanges entre composants, pour pouvoir construire le mecanisme de communication le plus approprie (et ne pas avoir a forcer le message passing, etc, je deteste ca) smoke: thanks :) fare: cool.. la performance est importante. il faut pouvoir se servir du langage partout, y compris aux plus bas niveaux ou la performance compte enormement, et le fait de pouvoir choisir le moyen de communication le plus adapte est egalement aussi important a cet effet.. ouaip, ca c'est l'interception par des metaobjets. fare: deja si vous avez ca, c'est la caracteristique qui m'interesse le plus :) 07:50am des metaobjets? l'interception je veux dire ouaip. En fait, je compte faire un truc encore plus general et plus clean: de la metaprogrammation. fare: te connaissant, j'imagine :) comme dans cette these sur des objets mobiles en Scheme, ou la machine virtuelle etait scheme, et ou le code mobile etait obtenu de maniere transparente par transformation du code. ca aussi ca sera bien.. la migration je veux dire et la persistence :) ouaip. Tu t'entendrais bien avec Ian: c'est un super hacker de bas niveau. euh il code des trucs de bas niveau, mais lui, il est top. excellent :) parisien? :) Rocquencourt. ah, la prochaine fois que je vais a paris faut qu'on se voie :) comment ca "lui" :-) ben, pas moi :( arrete :) tu as un niveau hallucinant, c'est juste que tu te 'mets' pas dans un projet moi, je ne suis top que pour fumer des idées réflexives. il en faut ;) Quand tu passes à Paris préviens moi. yep, sans probleme. j'y vais de temps en temps pour le boulot, la prochaine fois on se planifiera ca ouaip 08:00am ouaip? is that an actual french word? zarq: ouaip. it mightn't be French, but it's definitely french. it sure looks silly to me :P zarq: fascinating. :) not sillier than :P * zarq/#tunes tries to pronounce it zarq; i think it's shorthand for 'where do i have that ip?' ou j'ai l'ip pffft :) :) * smoke/#tunes 's french is worse than his perl line noise being more readable than the latter :) 08:20am haha * zarq/#tunes is amazed to find that these peanuts were good only until april 18, 1900 lol 08:30am i don't like perl perhaps i haven't used it enough is there another language which would do fine for serverside web work? !larne:*! someone care to tell me what's going on ? definately cobol cobol gave Y2K jobs to millions of programmers, don't despise it :-) core: didn't WWII give jobs to millions of soldiers, doctors, and undertakers? core: it's 8000 years till people will need cobol programmers not to talk about arms dealers, smugglers, house (re)builders, etc smoke: if you use cl-http common lisp is a good language to make apps on the server-side fare: heh :) Fufmann: how is cl-http atop cmucl? fare: haven't really tried but cmucl isn't too good with threads fufie; you really use common lisp for /everything/, no? :) smoke: I fear his kernel is written in C. smoke: no, at work I have to write Java, but I sometimes fake it wth JPython.. and sometimes I am forced to write c and c++ as well smoke: and his shell is not clisp. fare: my shell is emacs :) Fufie: your login shell? 08:40am (I know someone whose login shell was /usr/bin/emacs, indeed, but that wasn't so practical) fare: not that bad, but mmy emacs more or less run all the time.. I think it has been up for nine days now and I have 15-16 xterms scattered around too I guess that sounds familiar i'd like my xterms to be emacs eshell's only 15-16? lemme count mines but somehow i can't get used to that * smoke/#tunes has 4 xterms and 1 emacs ok, I have only 18 xterms (and 8 xemacs screens, one of which is in an xterm) My hardware is not so stable that it won't reboot around once a week. 5:52pm up 18 days, 21:07, 16 users logged in in november (like, power outage or such). (it's a laptop, and not always plugged) anyone here experienced with postgresql? I don't run emacs on my permanent server... eats too much memory, and I can never decide to run it as root. 5:47pm up 179 days, 2:01, 9 users, load average: 0.16, 0.03, 0.01 dick length contest? :-) fare; try gnu emacs instead of xemacs core: no, thanks. I had to move the server around and unplug it, recently. Never got more than 3 months of uptime or so. smoke: to save disk space, I have only xemacs installed. fare: i had to move the servers once, but i moved the UPS along :-) smoke: some fufie; any idea how to create an autoincrementing integer field? i actually had a box that ran for 402 days but that was at home and i had a power outage :P smoke: I think it is in the faq or in the mail-list archive.. or do I confuse it with SOLID? there was a hack I think -:- Anand [] has joined #tunes I upgraded the laptop's BIOS, hoping that this would reduce reboots induced by firmware bugs at suspend times. -:- Anand [] has left #tunes [] fufie; hm fare: my laptop suspend mode only works if I do *not* compile APM support in the linux kernel. fun huh :) fufie; it's in the faq! thanks :) did you try all combinations of the fancy options in the linux APM support? fare: no, i don't have a week of spare time fare: but logical options didn't work. 08:50am fare: the power suspension and suspend-to-disk work fine without the support, so i didn't bother anyway core: connais-tu un bon logiciel de support pour web multilingue? fare: texinfo? :-) uh? c'est multilingue :) smoke: good :) oh, tu veux dire, un truc de support, genre bugzilla? non, un truc pour ecrire un seul fichier, et obtenir un resultat valable selon la langue * eihrul/#tunes ponders. sighting #4 this is uncanny eih: uh? Fare: core has been in the channel 4 times this month i have a little more free time lately; that, or i'm procrastinating :) hmm, the latter is more fun sort of :) 09:00am -:- mibin [mibin@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff core: #TUNES (Ping timeout for core[]) -:- ultima [] has joined #Tunes -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff tmf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff mibin: #TUNES ([x]chat) -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes Shalom hi kaufie saw that /. ran the story yep but, of course, the clowns can't be bothered to even read the blurb... five minutes after it was posting there were already thousands of posts bitching about "freedom", "choice", etc... all because they didn't read the part where it rather clearly said that the bloody law only applies to GOVERNMENT COMPUTERS s/posting/posted/ 10:30am heh Kaufie: did you take a part in making that law? France will have a similar law, if things go well, btw. Fare, no, but I've already emailed its author offering my support Fare, yeah, you mentioned that yesterday... that's good tell him about the french doing similarly! he might drop the law then... I want no gov't money in the pocket of proprietary software racketteers. s/gov't/tax/ LOL eihrul Fare: if not there, it'll go to other bad places if governments have money, even imaginary, they like to spend it they're good at that governments are pretty much like people then.. yes, with compulsive spending habits How the government is likened to the late christmas shopper... -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Kaufmann[]) 10:40am -:- Kaufmann` [] has joined #tunes How interesting... the O'Reilly JavaScript book has a rhino on the cover, and the Mozilla project's JavaScript-on-Java implementation is called Rhino -:- Kaufmann` is now known as Kaufmann perhaps one took name from the other... really says something about the language, don't it? Javascript sucks, but Rhino isn't that bad as implementations go why isn't there a browser that supports embedded Guile? Hmmm, SchemeScript.... Oh yeah, it's because HTML in general sucks 10:50am Anyway, I think I've got a pretty good high-level design for MIND's architecture It's a very simple client-server architecture, using capabilities for persistent object access 11:00am kaufie: I have written Scheme/Kawa support for the ICEBrowser as an alternative to Javascript fufie; if i were to use common lisp as a webserver language, would i be better of writing a daemon in it, or start the interpreter for each request? cool! uh look at CL-HTTPD fufie; clisp takes about 2mb, but cmucl takes 6mb per process.. that's a great burden on the server * Kaufmann/#tunes wonders at the overhead involved in starting up an interpreter process for every request just use a real lis lisp like cmucl or even better acl and do multiprocess ultima; i'd like to use a free lisp implementation, so i won't use acl smoke: clisp and acl starts pretty quickly so it should not be a problem using them as cgi-programs fufie; yes, but they would take up a great deal of memory smoke: however, it might be a better idea to let the lisp-system run a webserver, e.g cl-http and then write the functionality as functions.. this is a nice way to integrate web into other apps yep smoke: I can't remember details about clisp, but acl at least is basically a shared library so you won't use too much memory I think clisp can be compiled as such as well cmucl can run cl-http but I don't know how good the implementation is 11:10am gunk. cl-httpd is big LOL for ocaml there is wserver that has been used to make geneweb to continue my monolog: there was talk of a webserver in clisp as well on the mailing list a few months back 'gunk'? kaufmann: that's the sound my eyelids make whenever i see values >8MB following a tar.gz filename smoke, download Emacs-20, then smoke: the cl-http dist has code for X implementations, lots of docs and even postscript files.. and pdf kaufmann: emacs is the almighty exception uncompressed, the directory with web-standards is 10M ;) fufie: ah that's neat 11:20am -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Kaufmann[]) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff ultima: #TUNES (Ping timeout for ultima[]) -:- ultima [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- SignOff ultima: #TUNES (ircII EPIC4pre2 -- Accept no limitations) -:- ultima [] has joined #Tunes -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes what does RMS mean when he says 'the most exciting things about lisp are read,eval and write.' ? (in some linuxcare interview in which he is asked why he chose to use lisp in emacs) he probably means that it is easy to write lisp code from a program, read it in with lisp and let lisp eval it (just guessing..) perhaps he means that it was easy to implement or.. read the input, evaluate it, and write the output? i thought he was referring to the lisp-commands, but that seems so strange 12:40pm `The most exciting things about LISP are read, eval, and print. If you look at other languages, they have no equivalent for any of those.' (duh i quoted wrongly. it's print not write) -:- SignOff ultima: #TUNES (Later!) 12:50pm -:- mibin [mibin@] has joined #tunes -:- ultima [] has joined #Tunes -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes I feel discriminated -:- SignOff mibin: #TUNES (Ping timeout for mibin[]) oh? I posted on Slashdot a huge (2-page) post explaining why Lisp is superior, with example code and everything, and it didn't get moderated up. How am I supposed to up my Karma like this? dude slashdot posting makes your karma go waaaay down what topic? "Stallman the Coder" didn't you know that? ultima, LOL Trying to inform the masses. Bah. Slashdot is for idiots. As if that weren't enough, I only got 3 points from getting that piece on the Brazilian law posted. It's for that 75% of the world that knows you don't use whiteout on your monitor but doesn't know anything about coding !larne:*! whoever added that gline, netcom use dynamic IP's :> ROTFL !Hyrlik:*! i know... I do this all day !larne:*! heh must be fun A post on lisp would just confuse them and make them go back to their porn on AOL Puh-LEEZE. Save yourself the effort. kauf: most slashdotters aren't ready for lisp yet lisp is something you mature into Fufie, look at the article (see the original, then my reply) Lemme find the link I will later today.. now I am doing code really quick here.. going /. will stop the good pace :) /. is bad the slashdot moderation system reflects democracy imo. it shows that it's corrupt. (hm accidentaly misplaced that imo) 01:50pm My point is, the original article (asking why Lisp is superior) got +2. A few other replies (all almost content-free) got +1 to +3. I, OTOH, practically wrote a god-damned essay on the subject of SEXP, and I didn't get moderated up at all. /. is evil. it's a cruel world.. Here be the link to the original: Kauf It's because the moderators are with stupid. -:- mibin [mibin@] has joined #tunes ultima, I've noticed that... herd mentality at its worst it's what i said about democracy if you make everyone judge, you get about the stupidest reasoning you could wish for (not that i suggest to use any other system, oh no) I am in favour benevolent dictatorship as long as that dictator isn't a distributed application i'll pass imo one person is way too weak to lead a country, let alone a whole planet Yes But people are stupid /nick smoke_imo Look at the US if you want to see why. you'd better look at people it depends on the planet and stupid is relative, which means you're effectively saying that you're less stupid than average people I guess the guy who said that all moderation is done within the first hour was right mibin; agreed. i think we just landed on an unlucky planet smoke; you're extraterrestrial? 02:00pm ha i always knew it Dammit, I even wrote a pretty version of the Schwartzian Transform in Scheme! damn he knows kaufie: you got a +1 kaufmann; you're into mathematics? -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes smoke, yeah Fufie, thankee! :) hey Kauf Hey Down kaufmann: mathematics is a nice field Kaufmann: What are you looking for? Downix, I seek the Holy Grail :) smoke, I agree Kaufmann: You seek a pre-christian chalice which was usurped by some brit author to try and "de-hethanize" the Authurian legend? * Kaufmann/#tunes sadly notes that the Monty Python reference was completely lost on Downix... I just don't have the strength to throw cows on ya, sorry ah, good cows rule. * Kaufmann/#tunes ducks Hey, the Computer Stupidities page got updated! that reminds me, I need to read /. Downix, if you have any spare moderation points, don't forget to mod up any of my posts you see :) Kaufmann: I have quite a few actually. But noone ever posts me up 8( 02:10pm if you get minus points, can you moderate down? lol Downix, what's your username ? Kaufmann: Downix aaaaah * Downix/#tunes does not post too often :) Only when it's something important Like commentaries about different OS's or hardware Like I've been studying the SID lately One interesting chip, not an FM synth at all * smoke/#tunes just found out that the x11 menubar in gnu emacs cannot be accessed with the keyboard oh man the sid is nice indeed smoke: I found a detailed document on how it worked. Scary stuff oh well downix: it sure is complicated :) did you notice the statement about the patent document being incorrect at some points? :) Yup 02:20pm Thing is, the SID, despite it's complexity, was simple at the same time simplexity or complicity hehe the internals were complicated, yet elegantly designed smoke; F10 ? eihrul; it has to be .a..ugity if you follow that pattern which resulted in a simple execution and interface smoke; F10 will get you to the menu bar afaict zarq; that's textmode emulation -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Do not meddle in the Affairs of Wizards, for thou areth Crunchy, and Good with Ketchup.) 02:30pm -:- SignOff ultima: #TUNES (Leaving) can one run cl-httpd alongside apache? yes.. I do so at least but on a different port naturally 03:10pm is it a webserver in lisp? yes abi: cl-http well, cl-http is Common Lisp Hypermedia Server at abi, fft? somebody said fft was Fast Fourier Transformation hm finally i understand why some url's have :8000 in them :) why? 03:20pm -:- hcf_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Read error to hcf[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- hcf_ is now known as hcf -:- Tril [] has joined #TUNES -:- mode/#tunes [+o Tril] by ChanServ hoy Tril abi: seen beholder beholder was last seen on IRC 23 hours, 17 minutes and 47 seconds ago, saying: I'll be right back [Sat Dec 18 16:30:02 1999] hi hcf 03:50pm -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (One day sheep will rule the world) hmm.. I have a function which is a hook and is called several times (3-4000).. anyone have a suggestion on how to profile that hook and accumulate data for that function only in an easy manner? I could wrap it in a lambda which adds to a global var, but that is ugly) 04:10pm -:- eihrul is now known as Sir_Typo -:- Sir_Typo is now known as eihrul -:- SignOff mibin: #TUNES (Ping timeout for mibin[]) -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- ultima [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Ping timeout for eihrul[]) -:- mibin [mibin@] has joined #tunes -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- air [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff mibin: #TUNES (Ping timeout for mibin[]) -:- SignOff ultima: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES ([BX] Reserve your copy of BitchX-75p3 for the BeOS today!) -:- SignOff Tril: #TUNES (Tril has no reason) -:- SignOff air: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: sleep) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) [msg(TUNES)] newlog 1999.1220 IRC log ended Mon Dec 20 00:00:01 1999